Astronomy Day in Schools
The Astronomy Day in Schools initiative is an IAU100 Global Project with the vision of mobilising the astronomical community to organise activities in schools. This is a special opportunity for students to directly interact and engage with astronomers in their communities, and to learn about the important role of astronomy in our lives.
Any amateur or professional astronomer, scientist or teacher is invited to participate. IAU100 encourages school visits taking place during or around the week of 10-17 November 2019. During this week, 10 November will mark the World Science Day for Peace and Development and a Mercury transit will also take place on 11 November, which offers an exciting outreach opportunity for the visiting astronomers.
How to get involved?
Interested astronomers can learn more about how to organise an activity at a school in their community here.
A variety of educational and outreach resources that can support the astronomers’ outreach can be found here.
Officially register your Astronomy Day in Schools activity here. Please select “Astronomy Day in Schools” as the event category.
Two prize categories have been created to stimulate further engagement and excitement for the Astronomy Day in Schools global project. To learn more about these prizes, see here.
For questions and inquiries about the Astronomy Day in the Schools global project, please contact:
Bethany Downer
Project Coordinator
IAU100 Secretariat
Steering Committee
To coordinate the Astronomy Day in Schools project, the IAU100 Secretariat has set up a global Steering Committee. The Steering Committee members are:
Paulo Bretones, IAU Commission C1 President, Brazil (Chair)
Lina Canas, IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach Coordinator, Portugal
Rosa Doran, NUCLIO – Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomia, Portugal
Bethany Downer, Leiden University, Canada
Urban Eriksson, Lund University, Sweden
Edward Gomez, Las Cumbres Observatory, United Kingdom
Carmen Pantoja, University of Puerto Rico, United States of America
Jorge Rivero Gonzalez, Leiden University, Spain
Rosa Maria Ros, IAU Commission C1 WG Network for Astronomy School Education (NASE) Chair, Spain
Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Southeast Asia Astronomy Network, Thailand