Dark Sky Ireland
Dark Sky Ireland aims to achieve a measurable increase in public awareness of Ireland’s dark sky and archaeoastronomy sites, in addition to a greater understanding of the importance of the preservation and restoration of Irish night-skies through a series of coordinated events.
This project is threefold:
1. CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory and partners will educate and promote the usage of sky-friendly outdoor lighting, using Irish designed versions of the Quality Lighting Teaching Kit at workshops and pop-ups nationwide.
2. It brings together representatives of Ireland’s Dark Sky Communities with policy and decision-makers for a dedicated Forum during the Mayo Dark Sky Festival for the exchange of best practice and sharing of innovative methodologies and interpretative materials.
3. The science and discovery centre at Blackrock Castle Observatory will collate content for tourism agencies and stakeholders to share information with domestic and overseas visitors about Archeoastronomy and Dark Sky Sites along existing tourism destinations routes.
An Island of Ireland initiative including counties Mayo, Kerry, Limerick, Dublin, Tyrone, Galway and Cork.
Terry Moseley- Irish Astronomical Association, Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies, ASGI
Dr Ray Butler- School of Physics NUIG
Margaret Flaherty- Supervisor Guide, Ballycroy National Park
Duncan Stewart- EcoEye, Green Foundation Ireland and Irish Environmental Network
Doroteja Repic - Cork Astronomy Club, Cork Sky Friendly
Bernadette Connolly - Cork Environmental Forum, Cork Sky Friendly Campaign
Eddy Lyons - Cork Astronomy Club, Cork Sky Friendly
Georgia McMillan - Friends of Mayo Dark Skies
Prof Brian Espey - School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin
Niall Smith - Head of CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory, CIT Head of Research
Clair McSweeney - Centre Manager, CIT Blackrock Castle Observatory, Cork Sky Friendly
Steve Lynott - Kerry Dark Sky Reserve
Kate Harrold - Lough Gur Heritage Park
Frank Prendergast - Archaoeastronomy expert, Lough Gur advisory role
Albert White - Dark Sky Ireland
Mark Bailey - Davagh Forest Dark Sky Park project