Dumbara Sky -
Taking Astronomy to
Sri Lankan Village
As the night sky is a laboratory shared by everyone, astronomy outreach is an effective means to popularize various STEM fields, including astronomy, amongst students in rural areas. The Dumbara Sky (දුම්බර අහස) project aims to increase science awareness and early interest the pursuit of STEM fields for school students. The initiative will hold a series of star parties and astronomy outreach events in some of the most remote villages in Sri Lanka that are located in the outskirts of Dumbara (Knuckles) mountain range. The villages are situated far from urban areas, allowing for ideal sky observations. The project also aims to raise public awareness for the preservation of these dark skies by utilizing sustainable methods to light the roads, homes and other locations.
Sri Lanka/Ududumbara area
Nalanda College Astronomical Society
Nalanda College Alumni Astronomical Society
Astro Minds