To coordinate the initiatives of the IAU100 celebration, the IAU has set up the IAU100 Task Force with members from all around the globe. The IAU100 Task Force members are:
Piero Benvenuti, Former IAU General Secretary, France
Sze-leung Cheung, IAU OAO Coordinator, Hong Kong China
Lars Lindberg Christensen, IAU Press Officer, Denmark
Rosaria d’Antonio, IAU Head of Administration, Italy
Ewine van Dishoeck, IAU President, the Netherlands (Chair)
Debra Elmegreen, IAU President-Elect, USA
Jorge Rivero González, IAU100 Coordinator, Spain
Kevin Govender, IAU OAD Director, South Africa
Maria Teresa Lago, IAU General Secretary, Portugal
Silvia Torres-Peimbert, Former IAU President, Mexico
Ian Robson, IAU Assistant General Secretary, United Kingdom
Pedro Russo, Former IYA2009 Coordinator and Former IAU C2 President, Portugal
Robert Williams, Former IAU President, USA