IAU100 Open
Astronomy Schools
Open Astronomy Schools is a project that intends to invite the already existing community of teachers and trainers involved in teacher training events since 2009 in the framework of projects like the Galileo Teacher Training Program, Universe Awareness and others. The goal is to engage 100 nations in promoting teacher training events on the framework of IAU100.
These training events require the integration of:
Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools such as planetarium software, image processing software, simulators, etc.
One or more topics of astronomy following a specific list of suggested topics.
Inquiry and Project Based Learning and interdisciplinarity
Observations of the Sun and/or night sky (naked eye or with telescopes).
Integrating at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
How to get involved?
Taking advantage of the large number of astronomy educators around the globe, we are launching a call for proposals for the promotion of the Open Astronomy Schools (OAS) teacher training events. The main goal is to reach 100 nations with innovative astronomy teacher training events following the criteria established for the OAS.
The OAS training have to:
Address elementary themes and/or concepts of astronomy. To see a list, please visit: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Astronomy
Address at least one of the following IAU100 themes:
New Worlds: ‘Are we alone?’
100 Years of General Relativity: Eclipse
Astronomy Natural and Cultural Heritage
Inclusive Astronomy
Use resources that address at least three types of activities such as:
naked eye or small telescopes observations,
hands-on activities,
new technologies
robotic telescopes and data mining.
Address student centered methodologies such as: inquiry-based learning, project based learning, etc
Address at least one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Be organized during 2019.
This call for proposals is targeted at providing seed funding and basic support in order to stimulate teacher training workshops in developing regions. Note that although this funding is aimed specifically at “developing countries”, exceptions with appropriate motivation will be accepted – the main concern simply being who the beneficiaries would be. Proposals should also be in alignment with the IAU100 goals and more specifically the OAS goals listed above.
These small grants (up to 500 Euros) are intended to simply act as a stimulus to support organizations who are enthusiastic about improving the science teaching in classroom worldwide. Efficient use of these funds to train teachers capable of further train other peers and successfully implement the learned resources and tools in classroom would result in a solid start of a local community for the global OAS effort.
The call for proposals will be open until the end of the IAU100 celebrations. Proposals requesting funds have to be submitted until 28 February 2019 at 23:59h CET. All applicants requesting financial support will receive feedback regarding the decision in March 2019.
You can find more information on how to apply here.