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IAU 1919-2019: 100 Years Under One Sky Celebration Flagship Ceremony


Astronomy with and for Society

Thursday 11 April 2019

9:00 - 18:30


8:00 -  9:00: Registration

Session I - The International Astronomical Union - 100 Years Under One Sky

Chair: Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden University; IAU President)

9:00 -  9:15: Ewine van Dishoeck (Leiden University; IAU President): The International Astronomical Union Today


9:15 - 9:30: Michael Gillon (University of Liege): Is there life elsewhere in the Universe?


9:30 - 9:50: Ben Feringa (Center for Systems Chemistry, University of Groningen; Nobel Prize Laureate): Emergence of Life - a chemical perspective  


9:50 - 10:05: Jean-Eric Paquet (European Commission Director-General for Research and Innovation): Science with and for Society: the EU perspective


10:05 -10:25:  Maria Popova (Writer): Astronomy for the General Public


10:25 - 10:35 Cultural interlude: Winners IAU100 Short Story Written Competition “Under One Sky”


10:35 - 10:50: Clive Ruggles (School of Archaeology, University of Leicester): Astronomical heritage and the public

10:50 -11:05: Suleiman Baraka (Center for Space Science, Virginia Tech): Astronomy for diplomacy and peace

11:05 - 11:25: Coffee break


Session II - Astronomy and Technology

Chair: Debra Elmegreen (Vassar College, IAU President-Elect)

11:25 - 11:45: John Grunsfeld (NASA Astronaut): The Incredible Hubble Space Telescope: How Technology and Astronauts Changed our View of the Universe

11:45 - 12:00: Bruno Sanchez-Andrade Nuño (Science Consultant): Astronomy, hazelnuts and refugees, a story of Impact Science

12:00 - 12:15: Chiaki Mukai (JAXA Astronaut, Vice President of Tokyo University of
Science): Space Exploration and Industry --- Towards the Next Stage of Exploration

12:15 - 12:30: Martin Aube (Cégep de Sherbrooke): Caring for the Night

12:30 - 12:45: Paal Brekke (Norwegian Space Agency): Astrorock - a cosmic voyage through the history of rock

12:45 - 14:00: Lunch


Session III - Astronomy for development, education, equity and inclusion

Chair: Pedro Russo (Leiden University)

14:00 - 14:05: Pedro Russo (Leiden University): Astronomy for development, education, equity and inclusion introduction

14:05 - 14:20: Àgueda Gras-Velázquez (European Schoolnet): Teachers are not alone in the classroom, or in the universe

14:20 - 14:30: Wanda Diaz (IAU Office of Astronomy for Development): Inclusive astronomy


14:30 - 14:50: Phil Mjwara (Director-General, Department of Science and Technology, South Africa): Astronomy harnessing science for development in Africa  

14:50 - 15:05: Maria Teresa Ruiz (Universidad de Chile): The impact of astronomy on developing countries

15:05 - 15:20: Mirjana Povic (Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute): Astronomy for peace and development in Africa
15:20 - 15:30: Presentation of the IAU 100th anniversary commemorative books:

  • The International Astronomical Union - Uniting the Community for 100 Years

  • The IAU Centenary Symposium Under One Sky

15:30 - 15:55: Coffee break

Session IV - Astronomy and Science in the next Century

Chair: Maria Teresa Lago (Universidade do Porto, IAU General Secretary)

15:55 - 16:05: Music Intermezzo: Contrapunto primo e secondo - From Fronimo Dialogo, 1584 edition: Qual Miracolo D’Amore (fauxbourdon setting) and Madrigal In Exitu Israel. Musicians: Jonathan Alvarado and David Mackor

16:05 - 16:25: Brian Schmidt (Australian National University, Nobel Prize Laureate): Astronomy in the next Century

16:25 - 17:30: Panel discussion: Astronomy and Science in the next Century
              Moderator: Robbert Dijkgraaf (Institute for Advanced Study)

  • Roger Davies (University of Oxford, President European Astronomical Society)

  • Maria Drozdovskaya (Universität Bern, co-chair IAU Junior Members)

  • Laura Ferrarese (National Research Council of Canada, IAU Vice President)

  • Ajit Kembhavi (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy+Astrophysics, IAU Vice President )

  • Khotso Mokhele (National Research Foundation, Chancellor University of Free State)

  • Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (President European Research Council)

  • Daya Reddy (President International Science Council)

17:30 - 19:00: A toast to IAU 100 years






Conversations with Astronomy

Perspectives from Diplomacy, Development and Inclusion

Friday 12 April 2019

9:00 - 14:00


8:00 -  9:00: Registration


9:00-9:05: Debra Elmegreen (Vassar College, IAU President-Elect): Opening Address


9:05 - 10:05 Science and Diplomacy Panel

Chair: Debra Elmegreen (Vassar College, IAU President-Elect)


9:05-9:25: Chris Llewellyn Smith (Oxford University): Science and Diplomacy


9:25-9:35: Daya Reddy (President International Science Council): Perspective from the ISC on Science Diplomacy


9:35-10:05: Panel Discussion

Moderator:  Daniela Lazzaro (Observatorio Nacional, IAU Vice President)

  • Piero Benvenuti (Italian Space Agency, past IAU General Secretary)

  • Francesca Fragkoudi  (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics)

  • Dirk-Jan Koch (Radboud Universiteit and Chief Science Officer - Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

  • Chris Llewellyn Smith (Oxford University)

  • Joe Niemela (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics)

  • Daya Reddy (International Science Council)


10:05 - 10:55 Science and Inclusion Panel

Chair: Junichi Watanabe (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)


10:05-10:25: Amelia Ortiz Gil (Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia): Fundamental science and Inclusion


10:25-10:55: Panel Discussion

Moderator: Francesca Primas (European Southern Observatory)

  • Alan Alves Brito (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

  • Lina Canas  (IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach)

  • Fatoumata Kebe (Association Ephémérides, co-chair IAU Junior Members)

  • Chiaki Mukai (JAXA Astronaut, Vice President of Tokyo University of

  • Amelia Ortiz Gil (Astronomical Observatory of the University of Valencia)


10:55 - 11:20: Coffee break


11:20 - 12:50 Science and Development Panel

Chair: Ian Robson (IAU Assistant General Secretary)


11:20-11:40: Anne Glover (University of Strathclyde and President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh): Science can inspire, liberate and empower

11:40-11:50: Khotso Mokhele (National Research Foundation, Chancellor University of Free State): Astronomy and Development


11:50-12:50: Panel Discussion

Moderator Silvia Torres Peimbert (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, IAU Past President)

  • Anne Glover (University of Strathclyde and President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh)

  • Sævar Helgi Bragason (University of Iceland)

  • Khotso Mokhele (National Research Foundation, Chancellor University of Free State)

  • Bruno Sanchez-Andrade Nuño  (Science Consultant)

  • Anna Scaife (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester)


12:50-13:00 Maria Teresa Lago (Universidade do Porto, IAU General Secretary): Closing Remarks


13:00 - 14:00 Closing Ceremony with refreshments





Disclosure: The programme may undergo last-minute changes due to unforeseen circumstances.


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