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First IAU Symposium on Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion announced 

25 September 2018


Astronomer Prajval Shastri gives a talk about Women in Astronomy in India. Photo taken on 27 August 2018 at the IAU General Assembly
in Vienna, Austria. Credit: IAU/M. Zamani

In 2019, November 12 to 15, Japan will host the first IAU symposium on Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. The aim of the symposium is to be a roadmap to action within the framework of the IAU centennial anniversary, highlighting the role diversity and inclusion plays in producing better science, contributing for competitiveness and innovation and focus on specific actions. 


This meeting is organized by the International Astronomical Union and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The symposium offers the opportunity to present best practices for identifying and addressing barriers to equal participation, expand our knowledge of diverse workplace policies, present new assistive technologies and demonstrate the advantages of diverse environments for research. As a special satellite event, this IAU meeting will host the IAU100 Global Project Inspiring Stars, an IAU exhibition that showcases a broad variety of resources to support inclusiveness. 


It will bring together both the IAU community and participants from other fields of expertise (e.g. social sciences) and lay grounds for future IAU Resolutions on Astronomy for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policies. These resolutions will outline a set of viewpoints and subsequent proposed actions, in alignment with the new IAU Strategic Plan 2020-2030 and will ultimately seek official endorsement by the EC and the IAU GA in Busan, in 2021. 


This symposium is aimed at all astronomy professionals that wish to bring inclusiveness to their research and diversity to their teams, work environments and institutions. Plan ahead and consider presenting your experience and your contribution to diversity and inclusion and how these actions have contributed into the betterment of science.


The organizers encourage contributions on the following topics:
1) Learning from Best Practices in Disabilities and Establishing a Framework to Address Equity and Equality in Astronomy Organizations, Facilities and Academic Institutions
2) Identify and Address Barriers to Access: fostering a climate of inclusivity
3) New Technologies for Accessibility: diversity and disability;
4) Astronomy for society — Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Empathy in Communicating Astronomy
5) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): gender equality and empowerment
6) IAU100: Global Perspectives on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Astronomy
7) Diversity in Research: identity, ethnicity and culture in research teams

More information on the Symposium can be found here.


Lina Canas 
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan / IAU Office of Astronomy Outreach 


Kumiko Usida-Sato
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan  


Jorge Rivero González

IAU100 Coordinator

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